I would like to introduce you all to my favorite blue slip dress, she has pleats, she ties in the back, she’s flirty and classy and she’s incredibly well made or maybe I am biased nevertheless.
The year was 2016, my sister brought her home from a trip to Thursday market in Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi for not more than 50Rs.
She meant to give it to a friend, but I snagged it and I’ve worn it every year since.
In 2017 I wore it to church with a blazer and kitten heels.
In 2018 I wore it to a festival with red mules.
In 2019 I wore it on my birthday to Brooklyn bridge and the FIT Museum.
I paired her with a vintage silver shell purse, wool cardigan and cowboy boots.
In 2020 I wore it to the beach with some flip flops and repeated the church outfit multiple times last year.
I’m unsure if it’s because this dress wasn’t originally meant for me that I’ve made it a point to smother her with my love and wear her at least once a year or if it’s because she’s simply timeless. That’s up for discussion.
I haven’t gotten around to wearing her this year but spring is near and as I’m writing this my brain is going off like the opening scene in clueless where Cher picks her outfit from a computer that mix and matches her school outfits. The first match landed on the dress with tabi ballerina pumps, vintage fruit beaded purse and a bouquet of tulips so I guess that’s how I’m going to be wearing her this spring, ground-breaking!